Ok great thanks! And yes after 1ft of top soil I was clay the whole way through. This may sound like a dumb question to some, and I am mechanically inclined I swear lol just trying to figure out the easiest/best way to do this: Because I am not running the posts along side the dock (which I am only doing for aesthetics, I thought they would look good kind of hidden underneath) I think it will be difficult even with using a laser to hit all my heights with the slope taken into account, either the holes will have the be perfect to accommodate the pipe or I will be trimming the pipe after it is secured. Just not sure whether or not to lay it all out and hope to get close, or maybe fly the dock into place with the machine and kind of go from there? Remember its 12'x16'. Thanks!

Last edited by Dsatter84; 12/04/17 03:02 PM.