The valve is basically a pivoting flap that is attached to a rod that is attached at the top of the overflow.

The diver just jiggled it a bit we did not actually go up and try to open it.

There is definitely a design flaw, it should have had a threaded rod so we could just screw open the valve.

It is just one of many issues I have with the design and install, but in all honesty it is what the engineer specked for the project.

I am hesitant to just pull it wide open, as I am afraid with the amount of silt it could plug it up, or that we would not be able to get it properly closed. There is apx 9 million gallons of water in the pond, and I do not want to have to start all over unless it is absolutely necessary.

I'm not familiar with how to post pics on this site, but i'll see if I can put some up today.

Thanks again.