I cannot definitively state there are no fish but there are no signs indicating there are fish. Nothing rises to eat off the surface and nothing hits my flies or even a bobber rig. Not to mention, the water has no odor of fish, it really is odorless.

The water has a greenish hue but I have only seen it in late summer and fall. There are frogs and turtles but I have not seen any fish.

I am considering a 3/4 horse rocking piston vacuum pump, with one, maybe two aerators at 50' since that seems to be max depth? There is electric on site, considering it's past use, and that seems to be step one this spring. I think that is the way to go? Though I am not sure how or where to place the aerators?

Thank you for helping, Dragon. Maybe when the DNR is on site to evaluate the reclamation plan, I'll see what they think?

PS: I posted the google aerial photo in the images gallery.

Last edited by Joey Quarry; 11/05/17 10:09 AM.