Check with your authorities, but this forum and series of postings about it suggests there are definitely hybrid striped bass in the waters around you but they are not legal to stock in the Great Lakes or other lakes.

However, each state has different rules, not sure if ontario province has different rules. In MI and OH a private pond is not prohibited from HSB since HSB is not on the MI 'invasive species' list, but it must be a pond with out inlet or outlet to public waters.

The benefit is that HSB reproduction is very rare so you can easily control numbers, they are a blast to catch (not for the fainted hearted when they take the bait), they are an apex predator but live and eat in a different niche then LMB so some folks have both as apex predators and it works fairly well. LMB always present population control issues. HSB also have a smaller mouth so if they are already in the pond you can get away with stocking other fish later at a smaller size without so much concern that they will be fish snacks for your LMB. Also I think all HSB are pellet trained? This really helps as they come to you ready to grow on pellets which gives them a huge growth potential and also saves some of the forage in your pond for other species.

see this brief link:

HSB in Lake Erie and beyond

Last edited by canyoncreek; 10/17/17 07:19 AM.