Here you go Mr. Jack. 175 bucks.... a couple of rechargeable batteries so you can swap them when needed and your good to go. Would I like a TH feeder? Sure I would but I can make 3 of these for that price... There are 2 Cons to this type of feeder.

1. From time to time the AM600 wont drop down onto the plate because of the humidity. This happens to me once or twice a week when it's real humid the food will drop back down usually by the evening feeding or morning feeding depending on when it hangs up, but it's not gonna kill your fish if they miss a feeding. At least it hasn't mine in the past 7 years. lol

2. Yes you do have to go out in a boat to fill it up or have a return line of some sort on the shore to pull it in and then send it back out. Otherwise been using it sense 2010 and it's still working fine.


Last edited by RC51; 09/29/17 01:48 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!