Your video shows how my hsb feed also. Yesterday afternoon I threw out some Aquamax LMB pellets (hydrated) into the open water section of the pond. I did this from a boat and it did not take long before I saw some nice sized hsb feeding on the pellets. That was a first for me. My hsb almost never feed at the feeders. I think that was due to several things, one is there are many many schools of TFS for the hsb to feed on. And lots and lots of bg feeding and now lots of Tp feeding at the 3 feeders. After what I saw yesterday, I may need to thin the herd with a cast net for the Tp, so many there would be a large black ball area of Tp. At least a hundred large Tp so that is why I wanted try to hand feed the hsb the large pellets away from the feeders. To be honest, I was not sure the hsb would feed on those large pellets.

Do not judge me by the politicians in my City, State or Federal Government.
