One other dumb question. We had a really tough time getting one of our taps out of the tree this spring without cracking it off (plastic barb fitting) I tried with a few tools but didn't want to crack it off. I forgot about it and now just realized it is still in the tree. Will it start running again this coming spring? If I have to crack it off to get it out, will it fill in even if the part of the plastic part is stuck in the tree? I can drill out the remaining plastic I suspect but not sure of best timing to do that now.

I do notice that some of the holes we tapped 2 years ago are not filled in yet.

If I do have to crack it off and drill it out then I would want to use a new hole on a different side of that same tree for this year's sap run rather than crack it off in the winter, drill it out, put a fresh tap in the freshly drilled hole?

Last edited by canyoncreek; 09/22/17 01:30 PM.