Here's what to expect from an electrofishing survey.

Basically, an electrofishing survey is an "snapshot" of what's going on under water at that moment in time. Keep in mind your pond's fishery is dynamic, always changing. But, the electrofishing survey should give you the following information.
1) The different species in your lake.
2) The different size classes of each species.
3) Ratios of fish, for comparison.
4) Body condition of your fish, with a focus on apex predators.
5) Proportion Stock Density (PSD) to give you an idea how many "quality" fish you have.
6) Harvest or stocking recommendations.

Depending on the knowledge and methods of your consultant, you may also receive:
Habitat opinion: Habitat is crucial to the success of a species, and the size classes of that species. So, an evaluation of habitat has value.
Aquatic plant growth: It's valuable to know the species and quantities of those plants, in order to determine whether action should be taken.

The written report should reflect the information above, with recommendations. Based on your goals, the survey will basically give you a reference point, or a starting point. From that, you will have solid information to make good decisions.

Questions to ask the consultant are:
1) Does my food chain support my game fish?
2) Is my habitat adequate to support the key species?
3) I intend to stock the following fish...will the food chain support them? If not, what do I need to do?
4) What do I need to keep my key species moving in an upward trend of growth and numbers?
5) (This may be the most important one) Did we get enough of a random sample to make good decisions?

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...