That was a problem early on, but one of my favorite things about Purina has been their attention to nutrition. When Dr. Mark Griffin was their nutritionist, he spent quite a bit of time working on that formula to avoid fat and organ issues. He changed the amount of starch (have to have starch to extrude the pellet) and the amounts and types of fats, along with a strong vitamin package to avoid issues of fat. Before he figured it out, we had some fish pushing past 150 Wr. Those fish were obese. After he made a few adjustments, we started regularly seeing fish staying around 110-125, which is more to my liking. While a largemouth bass at 150 Wr looks amazing, its gut is full of a greasy, white fat. Keep in mind, I do think fish need to go into winter with a healthy store of fat, so they don't metabolize muscle tissue. They'll use that fat for energy, even though they are cold-blooded. Then, going into spring, they have developed eggs, didn't lose much mass and have a headstart for the next season. To me, that's an important part of feeding fish. Another thing I learned as we use AquaMax products...the importance of adequate feeding. My clients have a tendency to overfeed. Even if the fish eat it, there's only so much food they need to keep them on a healthy upward growth pace.
My thoughts...

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...