I have a pond that is a little less than 1/4 of an acre. It was built about May of 2015 and stocked in Oct of 2015. It is mainly a swimming pond and we do not fish out of it. Starting this summer we started getting nipped by fish whenever we swim in it. Not just once and done, multiple times over and over when you are in the water. Also, they bump the underside of rafts. I was looking for solutions to getting them to stop nipping. I have read that adding more feeder fish will do this. I have listed the types of fish we stocked the pond with below. I know other species can make they way into the pond through nature's ways. BUt mainly I would just like some input on if adding some minnows may get the nipping to stop. If so, given the original numbers and pond size, how many minnow should I add? If i am leaving any pertinent info out please let me know. Thank you!

25 Large Mouth Bass
25 Channel Car
approx 70? Red Ear Sunfish
10 lb Fathead minnows