Looks like mine, open the little mouth on it and it will surprise you. Its like a funnel. I have been amazed at the size of some of the mouths on them. You can easily see why all the experts here say they are in direct competition for forage with your LMB. I used to remove all we caught...but after more research from the guys here I have embraced them. I can't get rid of them all...maybe the LMB will eventually thin them and give my BG a shot...but I'm sure I'll have no pure BG...probably mostly HBG. I'm sure I'll have to restock some adult BG...maybe next year...then every year or so after that until I know there is enough forage for my LMB.

The GSF are a hoot to catch...the bigger ones will make you think you have a much larger fish on...they bite anything which makes them great for young kids...oh yeah, they are feed hogs too. When I was feeding optimal last year the GSF that had been eating looked like pot belly pigs! lol

I've also noticed about spawning, the GSF will get as close to the water edge as possible...in inches of water. We had a really dry spell last year and I had beds come out of the water as the pond slowly dropped.