Well we just got back from Wisconsin. Took a week off and went to a family reunion in Wisconsin Rapids and spent a few days in Wisconsin Dells. Along the way though I got a treat I wasn't sure was even going to happen. I haven't been back to my grand fathers hobby farm since I was 16... this is where we spent all our Christmas's and Thanksgiving as a kid.... Lots of awesome memories. The folks there were gracious enough to show us around and even in the house! I have to say it was a bitter sweet feeling and fun but hard too.... I did however manage a couple of pictures of the place and of my boys by the pond.

Attached Images
My Grandpas Farm House.jpg My 2 boys next to Great Grandpas Pond.jpg
Last edited by RC51; 08/07/17 03:03 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!