Anthropic, It's awfully hot to be moving any fish right now, but I'll share some of experiences.

If you decide to seine or drain fish, I would probably pump water from the big pond to the FP prior to moving any. Basically just pre-aclimating them to the new water. Also, 50 adult CNBG are a lot of fish in a pond that size if recruitment is your goal. They'll readily eat the yoy, and that might be a reason they're not eating pellets as well as in the big pond. My brood pond's a little bigger than yours, and I'm growing out CNBG this year. 4 males, and 10 females are what I started with.

If your stocking anything other than predators next spring, I would drain the pond prior to adding anything else. Tilapia would almost require it to get any viable numbers, as legacy BG and GSF will really do a number on them. Also, if you do stock Tilapia, I would focus on the first or second spawn you have. Tilapia are omnivores, and will readily eat the fry once they get crowded.

I think removing the yoy is a good idea. When we're wanting to lower the biomass, we do what we call light seines. Even a box store minnow seine will work for this. You just seine the pond at full level, and take out a percentage of the available yoy. You're not going to get them all, but that's not the goal. The goal is to lower biomass.

That's a lot to say I agree with Dave.