Those numbers were before we touched anything. No added structure, no BG. I have 90 acres and a lot of cedars that are really wide at the base. I take the bottom 4' and cut them off and tie some blocks to them and sink them. They are 10-15' wide and make awesome cover. Probably 20 of those in the lake, plus all the other cedars.

Funny you mention the reset button. I really considered it when I saw that first shocking. My numbers on length to weight are way better now on the smaller fish, but if I'd done that in 2012 I'd be catching nice fish now.. I let a lot of people fish here this year. I'd say 95% of the fish caught do not go back in.

The other thing on the feeding is how long it takes after you screw up and catch it to notice the change working. I don't know the name of the feeders I have, but they hold 100lb of game fish chow. 4 seconds a day feeds 100lb. All the lotus and some floating stuff I haven't identified are near the feeders so that's why I figure I'm over feeding or feeding the wrong stuff. Still trying to learn when to make sure you get ahead of a problem and when to let it have time to work out.