Saw this neat webpage and liked to look at all the different types of fish this guy was catching.

If you count down from the top, the 10th picture is a Pumpkinseed. But the 12 picture, what is that? He calls it a 'Northern Sunfish' but the red eye and the red ear tab is wrong for Northern Sunfish. Also the turquoise specs all along the side make me wonder about hybrid. He later in the post catches beautiful longears. I wonder if this is a longear/Pumpkinseed hybrid?

I have a fish in my pond that is very much like this. I only have RES and LES so I always figured the red eye and red ear tab with turquoise markings makes mine a LES, RES hybrid.

But not sure they are any RES in this stream that he is fishing in.

Your thoughts?

Ben Cantrell's fishing blog

and for reference, my pond fish ID?