Ok here is what I found out this weekend. I caught like 4 or 5 more bass this weekend in the 15.5 to 16 inch range. They were all right on track as far as RW's go. Within 1 ounce of average.

Then I caught another big boy! This one was Almost 21.75 inches and 5 pounds even. So she also was a little light for her length. So this confirms for me that my 20 to 22 inch bass are not quite getting enough to eat. So my goal now is to fix this issue best I can. This bass hammered a BG swim bait. Biggest bass to date out of my pond yet. Later that day my mom caught a nice 5 pound HSB and we kept it as it was gonna die anyway it faught so hard... so that's the start to my correction phase. Hopefully getting rid of some of those larger HSB will start to help my bass forage wise along with the smaller 12 inch bass.


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5 pound bass.jpg

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!