I have asked the Pond Mega Store site about options for shady areas and they returned with a few choices that were not on my list...

Zebra Rush (Scirpus tabernae-montani ‘Zebrinus’)
Golden Club (Orontium aquaticum)
Tall Royal Blue Pickerel(pickerel dilatata)

I assume the Tall Royal Blue Pickerel is fine given the normal varieties are fine, but am unsure and certainly don't know about the other two. I have to admit that a little research reading does not really lead me to believe that these are shade loving plants, but could tolerate some partial shade...

Any concerns here?

AND Bill, Am I making a mistake, in your opinion, by not planting anything that tends to grow deeper than the 1 to 2 foot depths?

Last edited by Quarter Acre; 06/29/17 11:15 AM. Reason: Added question for Bill

Fish on!,