Not that I am any expert but I believe that if you read material from any state Dept. of Conservation it will suggest that you not stock or allow crappie in any lake smaller than 40 acres (some publications I have read put it as high as 60 acres) because they tend to overpopulate and are hard to manage.

After having a crappie overpopulation problem in one of our ponds because of too much vegetation (coontail...too many places for small crappie to hide) we have found the best thing to do (after curing the coontail problem) is to keep EVERY crappie you catch and to keep 20 LMB that are 14 inches or smaller per acre per year. It may bother you to keep all those big crappie but you need to bite the bullet and do it.

That is a lot of fish in a 10 acre pond. We had to recruit some friends who are crappie fishermen to help us out....they follow our harvest rules closely and it is a win-win for all involved. In a big pond like yours we would have trouble spending enough time on the water to harvest the proper number of fish.

But it sounds like you have a great base to work with and might not have to get too technical in terms of management to keep it going. Remove small LMB and all the crappie you catch...that is the key or at least it was for us. BM61.