One thing I can tell you is this. Be careful how much you do to quick. A pond reacts to change much like a large pendulum. At first it doesn't seem to effect it very much and then all of a sudden you can't stop the change until that pendulum stops.

Looks like a great place. I have Grass Carp and they have done well for me. I have a 1 acre pond and only have 6. Most fish places will tell you, that you need 8 to 12 per acre. I would be careful with this. This is one of those pendulums I am talking about. Depending how much weeds you can get out of the pond I would only put in about 12 to start with, but that's just me. Remember when you put the in also cause they really need to be removed is possible and replaced around the 7 year mark. Cause after that they don't do you much good anymore as far as eating grass.

Congrats on the new place and have a blast with it!!!


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!