More pics, I'll see what I can do.

4 Corners, I did most of my growing up between Northern VA and Richmond VA. There is some good fishing in the area, no doubt.

DaveD1, it was an absolute blast. I have hit the shad run a couple of times, but never landed a striper before. What tough fish. No wonder so many put the HSB in ponds. Makes me want a few even more.

djstauder, we were using streamers, they were running a few feet under the water in a fast moving river, below the fall line (were ocean tides influence the river levels). These are not hybrids, but plain Stripers. Smaller males that have moved in from the Chesapeake Bay to spawn in the river. I had, of course, hoped to hook into a big ole female, but not this trip.

We caught hundreds of fish all told. The bald eagles and osprey were constant companions. One bridge we were parked by for a while had 3 nests on it, all with babies who sounded quite demanding.

I'll post a few more tonight. Honestly, we were so busy catching, netting and releasing fish, we didn't get as many pictures as we could have.

One cute story: Lots of Canada Geese make homes on the river. Many had chicks. One had apparently gotten lost from its parents and siblings. It was in the middle of the river, no other geese around. When it saw our boat, it started calling to us and followed the boat in circles (we were trolling an area) for about 15 minutes. I couldn't see it after that. I don't know if some big fish got a good meal, or if a quick current just carried the poor thing down stream.