I have fertilized my pond this spring and all of a sudden the bloom came on strong. First I was excited that the water clarity went from 4ft to 2ft. But then it got thicker and down to 10-12 inches in visibility. The last 2 days I noticed a formation of bright green cloudy algae forming on the top. It is not stringy though. From my short research it appears to be Blue-Green Algae (Microcystis). I assume from over fertilization of my 2 acre pond. This has never been a problem before so I am trying to be proactive and fix the issue. But want to still keep fertile water for my fish. Will it die off on its own or will I need to apply chemicals? I see that allum will deactivate the phosphorus but I don't want to kill the fertility of my pond completely. Aeration is going to be pretty costly around $1,500. Hopefully I can get some good advice and direction, thanks in advance.