Originally Posted By: Redonthehead
Besides GS,perhaps TFS if you can ensure no GSD in the stocking? Defiantly don't want any GSD. I know of several strip pits doing well with TFS but dunno about a smaller pond.

What mile marker are you near? Relatives have some nice farm ponds near MM 55 - two of which are doing well with WCP contrary to general recommendations - stocked from overflows from neighbors.

I'd love to see any Missouri strip pits with Threadfin Shad doing well....I've never seen any that survive our winters. Those ponds with WCP may have afew slabs, but I can virtually guarantee a LOT of biomass is consumed with 1000's of 1-3" stunted WCP also.

I grew up in Boonville and lived just off MM 87.

A few species you can add are Yellow Perch, Gambusia, Golden Shiners, Ozark Log Perch (from streams), Spotfin shiners and Lake Chub Suckers, if you can find some....If you create the habitat, crayfish from your nearby creek will likely stock themselves.