I am also. Have to be when you have employees.

People have a strange attitude toward safety, in my opinion. Or I should say they generally have very poor methods of accessing danger in a logical fashion.

One of the easiest things we could do as humans to decrease our chances of becoming injured or killed is simply drive less miles. Every time we get in a car (or motorcycle grin) we expose ourselves to more danger than a lot of things people obsess over about safety. They might obsess about a pesticide residue on their lettuce but think nothing of jumping in the car and driving five miles to the convenience store to get a giant slurpee. Yet the car drive is likely multitudes greater chance of sustaining injuries or death than many of the daily things people obsess over about safety. How many miles do we drive unnecessarily? I do a LOT, like most people. Yet they obsess over things that have minuscule odds of ever affecting them, while doing nothing about the things they can easily control to make their lives safer.

Our evaluations of dangers or "risks" are sometimes very illogical.

Last edited by snrub; 04/07/17 10:12 PM.


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