
Sent off water to TAMU for analysis. We'll see what they say. Saw the water level drop about 6" from full pool over 5 days. We'll see how much further it has dropped when i get back in town, since we haven't had any rain.

My girlfriend's son went in to check the water depth. About 8' from the shoreline at full pool it is about 5' deep and the middle is at least 7'. He's 5'7" and couldn't touch the bottom with his head barely under the water. So actually pretty happy with the depth and consistency of the depth.

Still haven't seen a single fish. Some neighborhood kids pulled out a 1'lb bass out of the creek though. I'm thinking about stocking the creek as well.

Spent some time cleaning up the near side with the brush cutter. Haven't had the time to cut the far side yet.


After: Starting to green up as well.

Here's more general pictures of the pond as well. Shows that pretty much 100% of the pond bottom is covered in veg. On the recommendation of Todd i submitted my application for grass carp a couple weeks ago.

Is this a willow? You can see it in the first picture of this post as well. Should i pull it or cut it regardless before it does more damage or grows larger?