Pinetar, I will be applying 250 gallons of liquid Lime and 500 pounds of Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) next Sunday on an 8 acre lake. 5 gallons equals one ton of Ag Lime.

Piling your lime in the pond won't hurt...nor help at all, except in the small area it's placed. Wind wave action won't spread it either. To gain benefit from the Ag Lime, it needs to be finely pulverized 100% passing through a 60 mesh or smaller) and it needs to be fully exposed to the water on the entire bottom.

Ag Lime if derived from Dolomitic limestone has a max pH of 8.4, and from Calcitic Limestone, 8.2....that is a very safe pH, so no concentrate concerns.

What is your current pH? A HIGH quality pelletized or pulverized lime is more expensive than crushed Ag Lime, but much easier to spread.