Thanks to all of you who answered my request about the concern I have with our pond freezing completely. I don't get a chance to check this web site, which has a wealth of information, as much as I would like to.
We are presently using a 1/3hp diaphragm compressor pump. It produces 1.5cpm @ 10psi and will pump to a max depth of 30'. We put the diffuser ( which is the type you use for windmills - probably about a 8 to 10" long ) in a water depth of around 8 to 10' deep. One of the reason we used the above pump - probably the main reason - it is made in the USA. It does seem to be doing the job. I have never checked the 02 levels this winter because there was no open water close to shore.
The hole never did close - although it came close to it. The temps here in Northern OH have "warmed" up. I think it it suppose to be about 40today. We had freezing rain last night and all that slush is now on top of the thick snow cover.
It still is not clear to me why the fish would fare better with no aerator in the winter. Our pond would have frozen solid with about 4-6" of snow over it. No one would venture out to shovel it - because of the risk factor with the ice. So I guess what I am asking is this, with total blackness and no aeration wouldn't there be a big loss of fish? Thanks - we really appreciate the help.
