Originally Posted By: sprkplug
So long as the local government will act. It's the same as different levels of law enforcement, (local, state, federal)....there needs to be a chain, a series of steps if the local government fails to act, or acts injustly.

If I lived next to you, snrub, and polluted your water with my actions, you would surely seek counsel with the local or state government. But what if they ruled in my favor...would you be satisfied with their decision, or would you pursue other, higher levels of government enforcement? That's my point. There NEEDS to be another level above the local and state. Sure, try to settle it at the state level, but have an agency at the fed, level ready to intervene if the need arises.

Just because one person does not do, or like, what another does, in no way entitles the "offended" party to force their views onto another when it comes to private property rights. If you do not like a neighbor clearing a field, or lighting what they choose, and if their actions are legal, the offended party needs to build a wall, buy better curtains, or move, if they are so "offended". Far too many these days feel their personal rights and opinions make all other's differing rights and opinions "offensive" and illegal. There are long established laws and precedents on what constitutes trespass by one property owner that is affecting another, and I don't think simply disliking what others do is rising to the level of trespass.....there has to be a quantifiable damage done. The EPA vastly overreached, SCOTUS, Congress, and a majority of citizens agreed.