Here's the biggest factor in South Texas. Tim K is correct when he says that area can grow some huge fish.
What happens is those ponds are in an arid, desert-like environment. That 15 acre "pond" may only be that big when a tropical storm or another event brings big rains. Then, over a few years, that 15 acre lake evaporates to 3 acres. Then, it does it again. As those lakes draw down, only the best of the best survive, and those bass can grow huge. Then, here comes another rain, the water expands into "new" habitat and the food chain explodes. Then, the water draws down, fish become more confined and bass growth is excellent. That's a common pattern in that part of the world. I've worked that area since 1983 and have seen it over and over and over.
Another note, there's few watersheds there that HAVEN'T been stocked with Florida genetics.

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...