Originally Posted By: stickem'
How is your water clarity? As LMB are predominately sight feeders...you may have varied responses to them hitting an artificial lure. I stocked a forage base the summer of 2014 and stocked LMB the summer of 2015. My water quality is good, but could have more clarity. I did not see or catch a LMB for a period of time. I wondered, if they had made it. I have caught several since then in the 2-3lb range and smaller.
I believe this:
In my pond, as long as I have a prolific forage base, I believe the LMB would rather attack YOY BG, GSF, and Gambusia minnows than hit an artificial lure. I can sit and watch the fish feed after the feeder goes off. Then, all of a sudden you will hear an explosion and see bait & forage fish blown clean out of the water. This did not happen for a long time. I know my lack of water clarity probably inhibited my LMB growth, but that's what I got. I know they are there.

Water clarity ranged from 14-30". Stayed in the 18-24 most of the time.

My main comfort is I'm not seeing near as many FHM, so maybe they have so much easy food left they just won't hit a lure. Maybe when the FHM run out I'll start seeing more LMB sign. I still would have thought I would have had an instinct strike by now.

1.8 acre pond with CNBG, RES, HSB, and LMB
Trophy Hunter feeder.