This site is incredible. I've learned a lot from from you all as I start my journey as a pondmeister. I thought I would share my story so far. I bought my farm in 2014 and hoped to have our pond dug in the summer of 2015 but heavy rains delayed things. So I started working on my barn. Its a timber framed barn built out of cypress. I couldn't find a timber frame builder in my area so I figured I could do it myself. It didn't look too hard on the youtube videos anyway. What an idiot. I started in Oct 2015 and I'm still working on it. I've given up on deadlines. I originally wanted to have it finished by my son's birthday, I just didn't say which one. The pond took longer than I wanted too but it was finished in July of 2016. Its about 1.5 acres and will be stocked soon. My goal is a balanced fishing pond for my kids and nephews to enjoy. I keep having to pull myself from the ledge of going all in on a trophy bass pond. I'll try to post some pictures.

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Last edited by Kimberwood Farms; 02/14/17 12:17 AM.