On our property in MO. we do have quite a few varieties of forage only ponds. My uncle uses them as bait ponds for Mississippi River quide fishing, and I on the other hand extract forage to flow into larger basin ponds for supplement feedings.

On a note of expense. I was in the process of building a race car dumping $$$ left and right, before you know you have quadrupled your original budget and the dang thing doesn't even crank up yet. I lost interest in the project now it's a really big pretty storage unit bill.

When it comes to fish and fisheries management, I've always felt a strong passion for the field. When you enjoy something like that the money is a little easier to hand out, as long as your getting joy back in return.

Back on subject I'm still have limiting factors that will make never make two of our MO. larger ponds trophies. One is crappie in one which still produces a few 8lb bass per year. The other pond is blue cat which steal forage away from our LMB still a few 10lb fish hidden there. My ponds in TN are as of now forage only. Property purchased this year will be towards larger more sustainable trophy ponds. That's really where this forage comes into my personal benefit.

Forced to work born to Fish