Hey Board,

Been doing a lot of research and talking to a lot of engineers/consultants regarding my options. Given how much the permitting process would be here in VA, the idea of constructing a new pond appears cost prohibitive. I've had multiple experts quote me $25k minimum just to get through the county, state, and core of engineers (wetlands..).

Fortunately, I've got a silted in, 50 year old farm pond that is grandfathered from all these permits. At first, I was told it couldn't be expanded by a consultant. I then had an engineer look a little deeper and thinks we can increase from 1/2 acre to 1.25 acre....which is perfect! Total cost...probably 50Kish.

My question. The pond will need to be drained, and dam expanded and raised. The current dam has no valve, no pipe, it just has a run off on the side that controls the height.

I'd like to drain in myself to help reduce the cost of construction. Ive read siphon would be best. Ok. Once it's drained, should I hire someone to cut a trench in the dam so it doesn't fill back up and can dry out??