Thanks Bill, That is where I was going to go/ call about the Trout. Glad you recommend.

Xray- I am sourcing the SMB from Jones fish farm. They originally told me they do pellet train some SMB, but not sure I will receive those based on other communication I've had with them. I just know SMB are difficult to find so hesitant to cancel my order for Spring.

Another idea ...( you can see where I am going with this ...don't think I have the will power not to stock some fish to catch this season ...I know I am wrong but trying to make the best out of the decision )

Ladder stock FHM throughout the season, 10-20 lbs at a time ( March / May/ July), stock limited number of predators (25 SMB / 25 HSB that are pellet trained ), Stock larger (4-6") qty 150 YP, qty 75 RES qty 200 HBG.

Come Fall if I don't see some decent growth , maybe I make the decision to remove some SMB..... with this plan I think the HSB will do fine on the pellets, unsure about the YP and HBG but think they would do okay given the pellet feedings... I am not trying to have trophies but don't want a bunch of stunted fish either... Given the lack of spawning success with the species I will stock , I could also harvest some of the poor performers in the Fall.

Obvious this plan is not standard for best growth possible but maybe somewhat of a happy medium for someone that isn't going to wait?

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3/4 Acre Pond: HSB,SMB,YP,HBG,RES