No worries, feedback of any kind is greatly appreciated. Even though positive feedback is fun, I almost always learn the most from complaints. After all, it's hard to fix something I don't know is a problem!

First off, if you have bluegill big enough to eat a 9mm pellet; congrats are in order as that is a reflection of a healthy pond!

The bass pellets were designed to be as large as possible while still being able to throw the pellets in traditional feeders. I have received similar feedback from people on bluegill eating their bass pellets. Some people are even buying the bass pellets solely to feed their bigger bluegill.

This is quite interesting and exciting feedback! We are actively looking into some of the nutritional benefits of this discovery. More to come on this later...

We aren't sure how big the market is for a large hand-throw only feed, but we are looking into it. If anyone else is interested in a large hand-throw product line, please feel free to message me and give me some of your thoughts. I'm especially interested in opinions on pellet size, target species, and bag sizes.