Rainman is the man for stocker size fish.

There is a place that sells Tilipia north of Kansas City a ways but only the fingerlings. You can do a google search and find them. There are actually a couple different companies but I question if the fish don't come from the same source. One is more of a retail outlet and sells on Ebay and such and the other looks more like a wholesale (with prices accordingly) outlet. Been a year and a half since I bought any from them though. (Edit: I looked for the wholesale one and could not find it).

Was kind of a strange deal. Sent the wife and daughter after the fish (with their obligatory shopping stop in KC) and they met a kid at a gas station for the fish. Makes me think they do not have a retail store and deal mostly on line.

Do a search for White Brook Tilipia farm. I did the hatchery choice and got mostly blue and some white. I was just experimenting. Putting in fingerlings in the early summer gets harvest-able size by fall but little to no algae control because they really just get big enough to reproduce about the end of the season. For algae control a guy needs to see someone like Rainman or raise them over the winter to breeding size for spring/ early summer introduction to the pond.

Last edited by snrub; 11/24/16 10:32 AM.


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