Update from my earlier post when the pond was newer. I like fishing better than I thought I would. And the pond is producing well.

Pond is three years old now, and we harvested probably 30 to 40 CC 2-3# each ourselves. And probably about that many more by others. We ate some of it, gave a way a bunch, froze a bunch for later. Had a fish fry for employees.

Have cleaned about 50-60 BG, ate a few, froze a bunch and gave MIL a bunch.

I think we could harvest another couple hundred BG without putting a dent in the population. Our LMB are not keeping up with their end of the deal.

3 acre pond. We eat fish on average once a week, but definitely need to up our game to keep up with what the pond is producing.

For outright pounds of meat production, CC are hard to beat. I've not been much of a CC eating fan in the past, but our fish food fed CC are just as good as our BG, in my opinion. I have no problem eating them regularly.

Edit: Link to another thread concerning harvesting fish
What to harvest and when

Last edited by snrub; 11/08/16 09:10 PM.


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