The feeding habbits of striped bass tend to parallel that of blue catfish. In fact, I have caught striped bass on stink bait intended for catfish, so they may be opertunistic enough to learn to take pellets. Who knows?
Another interesting fact about the hybrid stipers. I have read that although they cannot spawn with each other, they can back breed (meaning they can spawn with a white bass to produce white bass or spawn with a sriped bass to produce striped bass)

The situation described by Bob Lusk really caught my interest but I do have a question about it. Why were wipers used to contoll the crappie? Is there something about a wiper's behavior that that makes them a more effective crappie preditor? Or is it that hybrids of adequate size are less expensive than LMB of adequate size? I would assume (eventhough we all know what happens you assume) that LMB would be the optimal preditor due to increased mouth size and expert ambush skills. Is there something I missed or am I just thinking too deeply into it?


Take great care of it, or let someone else have it.