Over the past 5 weeks, I've been taking delivery on several fish I ordered in late Sept (sbm, lmb, perch, shiners, fatheads).

While they were loading up at their shop, they called to see if I wanted anything else. They had 8-10" hybrid stripes. I wasn't looking to put any of these in my pond; I'd done no research, and from the little I'd heard, the stipers were fairly aggressive and would eat a hell of a lot (I do no feeding/pellets).

Anyway, when the fish truck comes around, the supply is right there (Like the Schwan's Food Truck), so I just got (5) of 'em and put 'em in the pond. My pond is about 7 acres (in past posts, I know I've called it 8-10, but after doing some rough sizing, I'm thinking 7) with existing lmb, sunnies, crappie, cats, perch, and shiners & fatheads.

The INTERESTING thing is when the fish people made their last delivery, various types of fish came in one tank, so we got everything out except for the stripers. Then the fish dude put clove oil in the water & in a few minutes, the stipers were laying around. When we put them in the lake, they just went to the bottom on laid on their sides. It took over 10 minutes for them to revive and swim away.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."