Lovinlivin, It does make a difference in the water!! I have lived here in East Texas right between Lake Sam Rayburn and Toledo Bend Lake for almost 40 years. I have had a retail fish dealers license for several of those years and bought and sold catfish from fishermen on both lakes. It never failed that when I sold fish from Toledo Bend I had complaints of the fish being way too muddy tasting. I NEVER had that complaint from fish from Lake Sam Rayburn and personally I agree with my customers. I won't eat the catfish from Toledo Bend. On another note I started buying live farmraised catfish for awhile and actually had a customer brought me a plate of cooked catfish they prepared and wanted me to taste it!! They complained it did not have any flavor and did not taste like catfish and wanted their money back!!! Wow!!

Dear Alcohol, We had a deal where you would make me funnier, smarter, and a better dancer... I saw the video... We need to talk.