Originally Posted By: RC51
I am a bit confused about the water getting into your feeder issue. I have Never had that happen with mine and I don't see how it can.... It's 2 pieces yes but with rubber seal and like 15 screws to seal it with and the middle overlaps to the outside and a cover that overlaps an inch with a snap clip you can even put a lock on if you want... I too live 90 some miles from my land at the moment and have had great success with this feeder. Heck if they didn't work when you were not there Remington and Wild Game Innovations would not make them for deer feeders. I get it if you don't want to go through the work to DIY thats fine each to his own but the possible issues/problems some of yall are worrying about just don't happen that frequently.... Maybe I'm just lucky I guess. Good Luck Setter Guy...


It was coming in around a rivet or the outside seam on the out feeder housing. I caulked the entire vertical seam and each rivet along that seam and it stopped. It was leaking right where the inside funnel starts.

Last edited by BrianL; 10/11/16 05:13 PM.

1.8 acre pond with CNBG, RES, HSB, and LMB
Trophy Hunter feeder.