Finally was able to lime. I had 8 tons spread around the pond. He backed in multiple places around the pond, and drove around maybe 6 times around the shore. He also drove up all the watersheds once. I concentrated the lime in the pond. I'm 4' down right now, maybe a foot lower than the picture in this thread. I had a good south wind, the pic is from the south side of the pond. It spread out nicely.

Should I wait until spring to test water again?

Do I have time for a bloom?? Or to late in the season?

What if anything should I expect to see from the lime? The spreader got a great spin on the lime and threw it 20 feet or so when he was driving the banks.

Thanks again for all your help guys! Maybe I won't get the pH fluctuations now. Everytime we get a good rain the fish would slack off eating for a good bit..maybe a week or so...then slowly come back to hammering it. I'm sure they were getting stressed.

Here was my analysis from July


Last edited by peachgrower; 10/05/16 06:30 PM.