I still remember the day i too became a "Lunker". There I was, sitting in my make shift computer station, laptop in front of me with my posture looking like Schroeder from the ol' Peanuts/Charlie Brown Cartoon strip (Schroeder was that piano playing character always leaning over his piano...just picture it).

The room was dim, the smell of coffee at my side. Wife and son (a 7 pound adorable little yorkie dog) asleep in bedroom. Pager was quiet, all was good.

Then, i clicked..."Add Reply".. then, and there, my life changed! My shoulders back, chin up, Schroeder posture gone, a glow on my face, a smile... I said to myself, "self, could this be?"

I looked up...thought i saw a glowing figure of Bob Lusk floating overhead with his magic wand and booming voice...about to tap me on my shoulder, honoring me with that status of..."Lunker". Did I make some profound posts that changed someone's life or pond? Did i rescue a pond from the edge of destruction? Did Greg Grimes just raise a 20 pound Largemouth in one of his ponds due to a piece of advice that little ol' pondmeister me offered in one my posts??? How was I going to thank "the little people" that made this possible?

My wife had awakened from the booming noise and bright lights. she shook me, "Mark [shake, shake], Mark [shake,shake], wake up, turn the computer off, there's a thunderstorm going on"...and then, and only then, had I realized...i just posted my 10th post...and THAT, my friend, made me a Lunker! Ahhh, what a day. mark