Good link. Thanks.

I've really noticed this on my north shore line when there is a good SW wind. It has a shallower bank and the waves will really create an undertow current back towards the center of the pond.

I also really noticed the water movement when adding pond dye. A person might imagine the dye would just sit there in one spot on a fairly calm day. But even a light breeze will have it dispersed throughout the pond fairly quickly.

Was talking about currents and thermoclines in the ocean and how it affects our scuba diving one time to a non-diving friend. He said he didn't understand why the water did not just equalize and be the same temperature everywhere after a while and currents just stop. I explained it was no different than our atmospheric weather. Why don't winds just all equalize and stop? Temperature too? I explained to him that the water is affected by the sun and wind (as well as gravitational pulls) and has movement and effects just like the air does.

Water in our ponds moves a lot more than we might imagine.

Last edited by snrub; 09/28/16 04:03 PM.


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