Ok I am working on a pond currently and is causing me major headaches. I am working on this pond for a client. There are 2 ponds divided by a levee. Ponds are roughly 2 acres. 1 pond he feeds roughly 20 to 30 gpm from a well using a fountain system. He wanted to feed the other pond using the fountain without moving the fountain. So we decided to put a pipe in between the 2 to let water flow and raise the level of second pond. I started by pumping 5 inches of water from main pond and then installing the pipe and turning back on the fountain. The hope was the water level would come back up and start to flow into other pond. Didn't happen. Three weeks later the water level in main pond in down 2 to 3 inches from the point I left it. No leaks around my work and no other obvious leaks around pond.

Once the pipe was put in we had 3 weeks with no rain. So I do know evaporation rates vary by the day depending on conditions. Put I figured pushing 20 to 30 gpm it would offset the evaporation. The main fed pond does have a tremendous amount of milfoil growing in it and algae and a few small willows growing along the bank. So I know this also adds to the water outtake. Any ideas to help me solve this would be great. Or in calculation I could use to try to figure out the evap and input of water would be awesome. I have came to the conclusion of eradicating the weeds from pond, possibly adding a bigger pump into the well to solve this issue.