GSF top and BG bottom in both pictures.

Yes, once you introduce predators you will see the small fish hug the bank or whatever cover you have for them. They will quickly know a new sheriff is in town. If not they will be gone.

I catch most of my smaller GSF (under 6") close in near the bank. For some reason the smaller GSF like shallow water. After they get bigger then I will catch them out where the larger BG are in deeper water. In my old pond if I cast out 10-20' from the bank and reel in I will catch BG and the occasional GSF. But if I specifically want to catch a small GSF I will just drag the bait along the bank within a foot or two of the bank.

GSF will just completely gorge themselves with feed. They will look like their bellies will explode. In my minnow traps the BG you can tell have eaten but the GSF and BH will just be stuffed full of feed. They are pigs.


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