I think Cutrine-Plus liquid is not really designed as a surface spray which is why most all the instructions are based on treating FA growing up from the water column and in the water column such as green water bloom.

For floating FA in the past, others have suggested the liquid be diluted 9 parts water to 1 part Cutrine-Plus as a tank spray. Try this 9:1 dilution as a test spray first on an isolated patch of your floating FA. Watch this treatment area for 2-3 days for signs of algae discoloring and dying. If it does not show symptoms of dying, try mixing it a little 'hotter' at a 5:1 or 6:1 dilution for a larger spot spray test. Try this mixture and report back so other readers can benefit from your experiences. The gallon goes 'further' if the 9:1 mix works for your particular FA. Many FA species vary in their tolerance to copper algaecides. Always - the less copper algaecide that is needed is best practice.

Remember- all that biomass that you kill: 1. will die, decompose, consume oxygen, and most importantly recycle all its bound nutrients back into the pond to grow the next session or bloom of FA; and
2. removing as much of the FA as possible before treatment deduces the amount of copper added to the pond and
3. Removing FA removes more nutrients from the pond slowing the aging or eutrophication of the pond, it also reduces the amount of the next bloom of FA and
4 killing the FA with an algaecide also kills myrids if not billions of tiny invertebrates including zooplankton that is the food buffet among the FA for small fish.

Last edited by Bill Cody; 09/01/16 08:19 PM.

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