Recently bought house on 5 acre which the neighbors and former owner use some of the land to allow a farmer to grow wheat/ soybeans etc . My land is in the middle so my pond will be built on this former crop area. Given that my neighbors still allow the crops around my acres / pond how will this effect my pond ? Will the run off be more muddy due to lack of grass or will the crops use all the potential run off? How will use of chemicals on crops around the pond? Was thinking when pond is dug to add some small hills around the pond to block some of the chemicals but that of course would be a detriment to run off.
My pond will have grass around it so not sure if that would help filter the run off. Pond will be 1/2-1 acre depending . I have a reputable pond builder lined up after the soybeans are gone in Nov.

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3/4 Acre Pond: HSB,SMB,YP,HBG,RES