Hey Norm, yeah, I know from experience here at work that a couple hundred geese is no picnic. I'll definitely "limit" them about the time hunting season rolls around, if necessary.

These 2 are really aggressive and won't let any others land on the water...which is a good thing in and of itself. I was sort of surprised that they had no issues with the wood ducks. Didn't seem to bother them in the slightest when these 2 landed, especially surprising when you consider that the geese seem to favor the area directly beneath the wood duck box for piddling around. Figure eventually they'll decide to nest on the island. Either way, it's really cool to watch.

And...I've got about a million bullfrog tadpoles fixin' to turn to big croakers over the summer. Lucky for them there's few fish in there big enough to eat them just yet...give it time. ;\)

In a lifetime, the average driver will honk 15,250 times. My wife figures I'm due to die any day now...