Originally Posted By: DCQuarterCircle
Originally Posted By: canyoncreek
WOW! your 1 9" diffuser is pumping way more air/bubbles with way more velocity than my 2 disk setup. What CFM or HP is running through that system? Amazing!

Canyon, Thanks for the excitement and compliment! I'm running a Matala (Hakko) HK60L pump through 55' of 5/8" ID weighted air hose in (wild guess on depth here) approximately 6'-8' deep water from shore to the single Matala 9" diffuser. Of course, it makes perfect sense depending on what pump you are using to your dual diffuser setup, that it would seem to put out less bubbles/velocity than a single diffuser. Only way to match that performance is increase your pump size enough to equal dual disc to a single disc output from a lesser pump size.

It's a beautiful sight when the sun is high and bubbles are seriously churn'n out. Too bad sunlight is so intermittent and solar panels are painfully, and much to my surprise VERY sensitive to ANY interruption to that direct sunlight.

Disappointingly, the slightest amount of clouds and this puppy shuts down until it burps out a big bunch of bubbles now 'n then. (Cool thing though of course is Missouri Wind & Solar's Suntaqe unit turns it right back on automatically!) Otherwise, I'm REALLY wishing I would have run grid power down to it at least as an alternate source for constant pond aeration activity. It's never too late to implement that option, but would need to really justify it before delving into a power run to the pond.

I honestly cannot imagine intermittent bubbling will benefit the pond in any way at all. Colorado is one of the sunniest states in the nation, but this summer is challenging that claim. And challenging my satisfaction for this solar setup to aerate a pond sufficiently.

Anyone's thoughts and input on substantiating viability of a solar aerator system that does not run all day, i.e., not in the dark, I'm all ears here. If needed, it would be no small feat to get house power down to the pump, but possible, yes.

DC, running a 1"-1.25" poly tube a couple thousand feet is far less pricey than wire!