Finally getting around to posting some photos with some of the work I've done based on what I've learned on the forum and from the magazine. I hope the links work. You will see we've been "planting" cedar trees. About 60 so far. I'm putting 7 or so in a line at different depths (5', 7', 9' and 11'). I'm driving aluminum poles into the ground either side to mark them and as a place for structure. Putting tires at the bottom of poles and I'll add plastic cases, kegs, etc. from a boat later. The shots you'll see are the NW corner of the pond. Has a 3' or so tall shelf that will be in 5' of water.

Moving over to the other areas of the pond next. Will try some similar stuff and also use cinder blocks and other things I've found that should make for good, long term structure.

Last edited by Alabama30; 07/25/16 10:04 PM. Reason: added photos